Tuesday, July 11, 2006

35 weeks and hanging on

I have nothing major to report, which is, at this point, something fairly major. I am still huge (though I seem to have lost a few pounds in the past couple of weeks) and still itchy (the PUPPPs has spread to arms and legs - oh joy) and still pregnant. Babies are doing fine. We watched them through a couple of contractions on the NST monitors, and they tolerated them well. And of course, it was good to see Dr. Academic, who confirmed that based on positions we’re looking at a c-section, which will either be when I start to develop pre-eclampsia (my BP is creeping up, so they’re watching carefully) or when the babes decide it's time. So, unless the labs he ran today suggest something to the contrary, we’re just on a BP watch for the most part. He’s going to be out of town during my 37th week, so I’m rather hoping that we end up doing this next week, though he did say if they continue to be stable and my BP stays steady we could hold off for a while yet. I’m not so sure about that, though of course I want them inside as long as possible. But damn, I’m huge. And itchy. And it’s hard to think about being even more huge and itchy in the coming weeks, since delivering these babies is the only solution to both discomforts. But then I think - this is the least I can do for them. And I shift positions and rub on yet another anti-itch lotion and hang on a bit longer.


  1. Poor Cass! I can't imagine being itchy on top of everything else. You've done such an amazing thing for those two babies, I'm sure you're ready for them to come out and soon!

  2. Sorry about the itchies Cass but good to know you are being monitored so carefully and you'll meet those babes soon!

  3. You are such a trooper.

    How amazing and exciting, though, that the babies are almost here. I just can't wait to see the post that announces their arrival.

    Hope your final days are bearable!

  4. After the 35 week mark, I truly believe you must check in at least every other day. Otherwise we all assume you had the babies. Which, well, could be true! This weekend is a good one for babies. Hope you are hanging in and wishing you the BEST of luck for delivery!
