Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All quiet on the baby front, or no news is no news

A long time ago, in my first job out of college, I knew a woman pregnant with IVF twins - the first I’d knowingly encountered. The initial encounter was indicative of my well-intentioned but inexperienced younger self - I asked her if she was pregnant (since she looked it) when she was probably no more than 8 weeks along. She was gracious about it, telling me yes, but not very far along, and that she looked more pregnant than she was because of the medications. Later, when she had been on leave for a while, she came back into the office to take care of some loose ends, and I noted to myself (though not to her!) that she was, by far, the largest pregnant woman I had ever seen. Ever. And now that’s me.

I’m 36 weeks today, or tomorrow, depending on who does the counting. Baby A has flipped back to a head-up position, which explains all the kicking I’ve been feeling down below. BP is holding steady. I don’t seem to be spilling protein, though he had the lab run a full urine culture rather than just the normal office dip - not sure what was up with that. We also did our regular NST. Baby A was more cooperative than usual about getting on the monitor, at least for a while, but I think that was because it was naptime. So we were still there for ages trying to keep the baby on the monitor through accelerations. And then I had to schedule next week’s NSTs, and an appointment with Dr. Academic in 2 weeks. Yes, 2 weeks. Apparently, unless I start to develop pre-eclampsia or something comes up in the NSTs (or if I go into labor all on my own) he’s going to hold off on scheduling a c-section until 38.5 weeks. That would be well into August. That would be insane. So for now we’re just playing a waiting game, and every time we go out in public I realize that someone is thinking, “wow, that is the largest pregnant woman I have ever seen.”


  1. Oh, Cass! I know your jaw must have dropped when he said 38.5 weeks! I'm glad everything's going so well, but you must be sooooo ready to be done with the whole twin pregnancy/horrible itchy rash thing.

    Either way, it'll be very soon now.

  2. Oh I hate that when the deadline/goal keeps moving! I am thrilled that the babes are doing ok but I feel your pain sweetheart. Hang in there! Not much longer now.

  3. Oh, you poor thing. From across the internet, though, I think you look lovely. You are positivly glowing.
    I am sorry about the discomfort--at least it will be over soon(ish).

  4. Wow, that does seem like a long time. Isn't it pretty unusual to go that far with twins?

  5. I think the quoted statistic is something like 50% of twins are born before 38 weeks. Hard to believe, though, and doctors often schedule c-sections or inductions for sometime in the 37th week. (Technically, we'll be considered full term at 37.) I think part of our scheduling has to do with when our peri will be on-call.

  6. Good to hear all is well.

  7. 38.5 Oh my.

    My own mother just stares at me and says Oh my God! every single time she sees me. It amazes me that I keep getting bigger. At some point I'm sure I'll just tip forward and not be able to get back up.

  8. Congratulations for making it SO far! But in this heat I just can't even imagine how you must be feeling. Nice to be nine months pregnant with twins in the Hottest. Summer. Ever. Please let me know if you want me to drop off a giant block of ice for you to sit on.
