Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Body and Mind

We met with the director of a mind/body fertility program today to get more info about their program. Really, it was a sales pitch on their part, and I guess that’s good. I don’t know if it was the conversation today, the fact that he was fighting yet another headache, or just the realization that his health could use some attention too, but J was really positive about the possibilities.

It’s a 12 week program that combines group sessions (based on Ali Domar’s Mind/Body work at Harvard - and my old clinic) with individual Chinese Medicine and acupuncture treatments. There’s also a nutritionist in the group, and an exercise consultant (whatever that means). The program sounds good - expensive, but good. I’m a but cynical about such things (or jaded, or something) but J seemed positive about it - and I thought he’d be the harder sell. Maybe it’s because of my recent emotional outbursts/breakdowns. I don’t know.

When the guy was explaining the program (peppered with a bunch of anecdotal success stories - nice, but irritating after the first one, and I’d already heard a couple when I spoke with him on the phone) he mentioned that the group program also involves some tasks to be done at home. I’m imagining journal writing or meditation or special breathing or something. He says, “We know it’s a hassle, but we ask participants to maintain a BBT chart.” I couldn’t help laughing just a bit. BBT charts are something I’m good at. They make sense to me. The color coding in FertilityFriend’s software makes these nice charts I have all printed out and filed in the appropriate section of my newly organized binder. So yeah, sure, I’ll do more BBT charts. It seems to me that by the time we get to this point, the “annoyance” of taking my temp every morning is so much less than the numbers of wandings or injections or blood tests or whatever else. I’ll take the annoying beep of the thermometer any day.

Coming up tomorrow: a meeting with Dr. L to hear what she thinks we should do next. Update to follow, of course.


  1. Sounds pretty great. If you're getting accupuncture and herbs in addition to the group therapy (which could be a really good thing if the facilitator is good) and nutritionist/exercise consultant (of questionable value) it could definitely be worth the money. Is the sales pitch guy going to be the facilitator? If so, I'd base the decision on whether he's a jackass or not.

    By the way - B. IVF is my old clinic too. My son was conceived in their Waltham office complex on Super Bowl Sunday.

  2. I hope this works for you! It sounds like it will make you a lot healthier at the very least. Keep us posted!
